What We Do.

Get Active

Since 2020, we’ve been providing free sport and dance sessions for young people in high deprivation communities.

Sport and dance are powerful tools for engaging with today's youth. Through Get Active we aim to build lasting connections with our youth, facilitating an environment that helps develop a sense of value, belonging, and self-worth.

Get Active Sport

Our 100% free Get active Sport sessions include a variety of sports and recreation activities such as cricket, soccer, netball, touch rugby, hockey, basketball among others.

Our sessions are run by experienced sports coaches with hearts and passions in seeing our young people thrive - both on and off of the sports field. Our Get Active Sport sessions are available to anyone between the ages of 5 and 18.

Get Active Hip-hop

Our 100% free Get Active Hip-hop sessions are run by experienced Hip Hop instructors who are passionate about seeing young people learn to express themselves through dance.

The sessions stimulate creativity, teach new skills, and provide connection to community. Our Get Active Hip-hop sessions are available to anyone between the ages of 5 and 18.

Upcoming Initiatives.

Our Get Active programs are making a huge impact on the community, but there is so much more we can do. The purpose of our upcoming initiatives is to create a sense of shared ownership by partnering with community. We look forward to implementing these initiatives as soon as we can!

Train the Trainer

Train the Trainer develops coaches within communities. By offering free coaching development sessions, we upskill local coaches, teachers and parents, empowering communities to drive change.

This initiative will strengthen community engagement in the long-term, allowing communities to thrive without reliance on external resources. We hope to launch Train the Trainer in the near future.

Career Pathways

Career Pathways continues to inspire a sense of hope in the young people we work with. It extends beyond sport and dance, helping young people to develop their skills, discover their interests and connects them to potential career pathways.

This initiative will create a lasting sense of hope in communities, connecting young people with future opportunities. We hope to launch Career Pathways in the near future.